Organization Rules
- Our players must show up 1 hour prior to the game in order to get prepared to play.
- Players must wear a cup to ALL PRACTICES AND GAMES, very important that our players are safe from any and all injuries.
- Parents should not interfere with coaching or disrupting the players during the game.
- Players should bring a healthy snack for in between double headers; Fruit, granola bar, water… save Gatorade for after the game to replenish hydration and nutrients.
- Players must wear baseball attire to ALL outdoor practices and games; Baseball hat, Baseball pants and Cleats.
Academy Goals and Rules
The goals of Diamond Baseball Academy and its coaching staff are as follows:
- To build a team that will be highly skilled, that will compete against the top baseball clubs in the country for that age group and up.
- To teach the players the baseball skills and in-game knowledge that will be necessary to compete at a high level.
- To allow the players to experience valuable lessons in life such as being a part of a team, how to act as winners, how to learn from losing, and the importance of constructive criticism.
- To create valuable friendships and lifelong memories for the players, coaching staff, and all of the families involved.
- To be different than most "travel" baseball clubs around by competing in regional and national tournaments, as well as local tournaments.
- To insure a well-rounded athlete by checking report cards, educating players in good nutrition, work ethics, and reinforcing good sportsmanship while teaching how to conduct themselves in a respectful manner.
All players and parents understand that these team prices are figured by amount of players on the roster and the payment secures your spot in the workouts, locking out new players from taking your spot. No refunds will be given for any reason. It is understood, that once payments are made they are final and hold your spot for the upcoming season. Once payments are submitted, they immediately go out to the league, vendors and suppliers who also do not give refunds back to the organization. No exceptions.
Acknowledge, All players and parents are not to show any symptoms relating to COVID-19, and have not tested positive, nor been around anyone who has tested positive, within the past 48 hours.
Playing Time
Coaches determine playing time and positions. There is NO - guarantee of innings or positions of players. Never ask about playing time during or directly after a game. If your child's playtime becomes an issue then please address the president of the association after a 24-hour time window has passed, not at a field or at games or practice. Please understand that by doing this you may be honestly told what your son/daughter needs to work on and improve to get more play time. Any parent yelling at coaches, umpires or pulling a player off the field during a game will result in expulsion from the academy. Parents must let the coaching staff do their job and coach the kids. During a game, the parents MUST refrain from coming over to the dugout, or screaming out onto the field, to inform their son or another player what they should have done in a given situation. The coaching staff will ensure that your son is informed of his in-game performance, both the positive and negative aspects.
All players must sit in the dugout with their teammates at all times during a game and between double headers. At no time shall they sit in the bleachers with their family members. This is required to promote team unity.
Parents and other family members of a player are not allowed in the dugout at any time during a game. Parents and family members must not congregate behind the dugout area. If a parent or family member decides to bring his or her own seating, please do not set it up directly behind the dugout. Please supply your child with drinks and whatever else they may need for the game, in order to allow them to focus on the game.
All players are required to be in full uniform for the games. All players must supply their own socks, belt, white baseball pants and grey baseball pants.
Phone: 631-730-8218
Text: 631-926-8900